Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lupus And Rh Negative Blood Types Dont Know Yet About Whats Wrong But, The Pain Is Horrible?

Dont know yet about whats wrong but, the pain is horrible? - lupus and rh negative blood types

It appears that the rheumatoid arthritis or lupus with each arthritis.its neck, shoulders, back, hands and legs and pain.i "expect the results of tests taken in January, may worsen NT4 hormone CBC to the Rh Factor, symptoms Ana Arent only pain he feels at the top, not cold sores, it feels good, and so on.


mgunnyca... said...

They took all the tests and what were the results? Your pain bi-lateral? Is there redness at the site of joint pain? They are more about rheumatoid arthritis. Joint pain lupus is rarely bilateral and usually not all reddness on the website. Do you have other symptoms of lupus in addition to joint pain?

EDIT: The bi-lateral joint pain is a sign of RA. The rash can be independent. RA factor was positive or negative? What about Anna? At what level of supplement? Why does not the test results? They had more than a month earlier. The longest of these tests are run in the week. It would interfere with your doctor to know the results soon, because without them, it is impossible to know what really happened.

july said...

The signs and symptoms that show you are actually in one of his earlier list of questions that you should check with your doctor lupus ... Other possibilities, as we have said, fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis ... ... Some people have pain in multiple sclerosis, others do not.

You mention in the previous questions that you have a psychiatric diagnosis and had stopped taking medication. Though explain some symptoms of depression and anxiety, not everyone can. Each of these three conditions can be depression and anxiety on their own thing, so they have more than one diagnosis and the diagnosis can be intertwined.

The pain is the way your body telling you something is wrong. If you get a definitive diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
(SLE), you should ask your doctor with multiple sclerosis or fibromyalgia.

I have worked with fibromyalgia 10 years ago after EXP diagnosederiencing symptoms similar to you, with outbreaks of "butterfly" in the face. Fibromyalgia is the best way to treat these diseases, so no doubt hoping that his diagnosis.

Bella said...

It could be fibromyalgia. You can ask your doctor. My father and he told me it feels like you have the flu, but she is healthy. Find out more information for the physician.

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